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Guideship for M.Phil

Eligibility Criteria for Guideship for M.Phil (Magister of Philosophy):

The Eligibility Criteria to become M. Phil Guide are as follows:

            (i) A regularly appointed teacher in the University teaching department/ affiliated college with post-graduate department who holds the degree of Ph. D. and five years post-graduate teaching/ research experience (excluding his Ph. D. research period) along with published work in reputed and recognized national/international journals to his credit

            (ii )A person employed in a TCODL affiliated institution fulfilling prescribed qualifications as above.

            (iii) Any retired Professor having the prescribed qualifications as given above will also be permitted to guide M.Phil students


  1. The Guide must ensure that the research student is in no doubt as to what shall be required of them. In particular, it must be emphasised that the thesis must be the research student’s own work and that, within the supervisory framework, the student is responsible for planning and managing their work and for developing their own ideas.
  2. The Guide and the research student must establish at an early stage a clear understanding as to the responsibilities of the Guide, the relation of these to the responsibilities of the student, and the Guide’s role in relation to the preparation and development of the student’s written and other work.
  3. The nature of research and standard expected from student should be clarified
  4. The requirements of the degree for which they are registered should be made to fulfil
  5. The planning of the research programme should be done at an early stage
  6. Literature and sources from which information could be obtained may be given.
  7. Obligations with respect to taught components and/or skills research techniques and methodologies should be fulfilled
  8. The need to develop oral and written communication skills
  9. Academic honesty and drawing attention to relevant regulations, including those relating to plagiarism should be explained.
  10. Monitoring the progress of the student’s research through regular formal supervisory meetings and ensuring that the research student keeps an agreed record of these meetings
  11. Being accessible at mutually convenient times when the research student may need advice
  12. Giving detailed advice on the necessary completion dates of successive stages of the work so that the thesis can be submitted within the relevant maximum registration period
  13. Emphasising the importance of timely submission of the thesis in terms of good academic practice and in relation to the requirements of Tamilnadu Council.
  14. Requesting draft or preliminary written and other work as appropriate and returning such work with constructive criticism and within a reasonable time
  15. Arranging, as appropriate, for the research student to present their work bearing in mind the demands of the viva voce examination
  16. Ensuring that the research student is made aware of any concerns about their progress or the standard of their work

Reading and commenting on the whole of the final draft of the thesis, provided that this is presented within a reasonable and agreed time frame, and ensuring that the research student is aware that the thesis must comply with all relevant regulations, including those on word length, format, and binding as prescribed by Tamilnadu Council.

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