Evaluation System
Chartered Courses
A Chartered Course is a course which is offered for individuals who have gained a specific level of skill or competence in a particular field of work, which has been recognised for the award of a formal certificate by a relevant professional organization.
Evaluation System of Skill & Knowledge
The first and foremost aspect of this particular evaluation system is the experience gained in the relevant field. A minimum of 2 years of work experience is required. Examination will be conducted in a non-semester pattern and upon passing the Examination Mark Sheet / Certificate will be issued. One of the core driving factors is evaluating competency level of students. A Panel of eminent professors evaluate the team of students who combine their knowledge and skills to produce the work required to achieve their assigned goals and targets. It is important to point out that competencies are distinct from goals. Deciding what competencies each individual possesses is checked and evaluated as part of the evaluation process
Examination Procedure
Examination will be conducted in a non-semester pattern and upon passing the Examination Mark Sheet / Certificate will be issued. In all year of Examinations, the evaluation of student’s Skill & Knowledge is Mandatory and Skill & Knowledge will be a part of Examination